Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Shipwrecks and Crowded Beds.

The wind started to push the ship that several hundred passengers, including me, were aboard for reasons and destination unknown.

A documentary about the first lady was on the TV, and I was getting really annoyed that the reception kept faltering, and the wind kept blowing cold rain in through the window. It became clear then that the ship was in trouble, and that I should be afraid.

We crashed on some rocks, and all survivors were ferried to the shore. We were then marched North, along an accident strewn 405 freeway, containing many liquids and horrific scenes of death and dying.

All passengers were herded into the apartment building where I live in downtown Long Beach, and the tenants (including me) were told to make room. There were several people in my bed and I could not find a place to lie down so I wondered into some sort of mini theater with red velvety seats. I sat down, and my best friend Kelly sat on my lap because all the seats were taken. I looked at my broken wrist watch, and asked the people behind us what time/day/year is it? They told me the date, and I discovered that we had traveled forward three years in time somehow. Kelly started crying, and I was telling her not to worry.

The next day I took my film in to be processed, because it contained all kinds of pictures from the ship. There was a tall, slanted escalator that I had to climb, using my film as a rope to get to the processing window. When I finally got to the top, nearly passing out from vertigo, a kind black man with gray hair helped me through. He took my film and gave me a blue t-shirt with my high school logo on it.
The end.

-Dream 10-20-09

Monday, October 12, 2009

not a unique situation with you

A delicious ice cream sundae offered up
to a full stomach...
It is yours for the taking.
A sweet passive object of
pure desire,
without a mouth to form the word "No", and
without the legs to walk away.
It is your discussion to pick it up
It is not an individual
It requires no respect
It is not a woman
It is not me.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

new and more more more.

I am wondering if all of this added technology is worthwhile. These additions complicate and distract, leaving so very little time for other essential cultivations. These new toys are oh so very tempting though.